The Power is You!
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The Power is You!
A Guide to Self Empowerment  


     In his newest book, “The Power is You!” Self Empowerment Expert and Motivational Speaker Gary M. Spolansky, helps you to answer these important questions -

Why do we allow others to take advantage

of our good nature?  

Why do we follow the pack and accept conventional wisdom as truth, rather than listening to our own wisdom? 

Why do we feel powerless to act, even though we often know what to do and how to do it?

The reason is

“We Don’t Trust Ourselves”

      Rather than listening to our own insights, we sometimes allow others to make choices for us, regretting that choice when we realize we were right all along. But it’s not entirely our fault. We’ve been taught virtually from the day we were born, that others were smarter, wiser and more capable of making our choices for us. Whether it was as children in school or as adults in the working world - we’ve been preconditioned to think that those who were smarter, more educated and accomplished were more competent to make our choices, leaving us to doubt own intelligence and abilities.

What Can We Do About It?

      By becoming aware of how and when we give our power away, we can begin to change the ingrained and habitual patterns that allow others to take advantage of us.

      “The Power is You!” is a guide that will help you reclaim your power in a gentle, non-threatening way. Through examples, insights and exercises that specifically help you restore belief in yourself and your ability to choose, Gary gives you the tools and techniques necessary to achieve your goals and become a happier, healthier and more self empowered individual.

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